Why study abroad? What is the purpose of studying abroad?
You want to study abroad or are intending to study abroad but do not understand the purpose of it. What is study abroad? What is the purpose of studying abroad? Why study abroad? Let's try to find the answer to this problem clearly!
What is study abroad?
1. Studying abroad is not about finding a place to study for a "greater" or more famous person.
- Studying abroad is finding a place to supplement with modern knowledge, professions, and training environment that domestic schools are lacking or weak.
2.Studying abroad is not about finding a comfortable place to live and immigrate.
- The fact shows that industrialized countries have high welfare regimes, and the quality of life coupled with income tax regimes is also very high. The immigration laws of many of these countries are quite strict. When accepting to live in industrialized countries, you have to accept living in a highly competitive environment, and must be well prepared in many aspects.
3. Studying abroad is not an easy place to study.
- In contrast, the learning regime and learning methods in industrialized countries are much different from Vietnam. The school requires students to be active, self-study to adapt to the learning environment and work in groups, to exchange and debate regularly, to promote initiative, practice, and experimentation.
4. Studying abroad is not cheap, low cost.
- The lowest university tuition in Asian countries is also about $2,000/year (Thailand, China). Meanwhile, university tuition fees in Europe, the US, Canada: over 10,000 USD/year. Singapore tuition fee is over 4,000 USD/year. Tuition fees in New Zealand and Australia are over 6,000 USD/year. The cost of accommodation is also higher than in Vietnam. If you want to study abroad on your own (in the absence of a scholarship), you must prepare tuition and accommodation costs corresponding to the number of years of schooling. Students studying abroad must demonstrate that they have regular financial resources that meet the requirements of the host school and government.
5. Studying abroad is not about going out, studying and then leaving it or leaving it unfinished.
- Just like studying in the country, studying anywhere also needs ambition, will and aspiration. If you go to study abroad without a long-term study plan, clear career intentions, then you are wasting your family's money and hopes, wasting your youth.
Why should you study abroad?
So, what will you gain during your years abroad when studying abroad?
1. Language skills.
- All your activities, communication or study need English or the language used in the country you are studying. When you work hard to communicate and learn, your foreign language skills also increase. Being fluent in a foreign language in today's era will open up many opportunities for you in life and career.
2. Improve knowledge and skills.
- The knowledge you gain while studying abroad will help you a lot in the future. However, knowledge is still not enough, but skills are also needed. Career skills are what companies need in a college graduate. And when you study abroad, you have many opportunities to not only “learn” but also “practice” to form the necessary skills.
3. Live in a multicultural environment.
- When you study abroad, you have the opportunity to interact with many international students, you will have the opportunity to know more different cultures. Each country has its own cultural identity and it is more interesting to see and participate than just hear and see through television.
4. Expand horizons.
- If you can go, study, your vision is no longer encapsulated in a narrow space. "Walk a day, learn a sieve". Looking at a problem, an event in a multi-dimensional view is better than in a narrow space.
5. Change attitudes, habits, behaviors.
- Habits such as sorting trash, limiting the use of car horns (if traveling by car or motorbike) or reducing noise in public places abroad force you to look at yourself for a change. At some point, it will become a habit for you and this is something to maintain regularly, anytime, anywhere.
6. Connect professors, friends.
- After a semester or a school year, things may close in terms of time and plan but will still be maintained, strengthened and even deepened if you are more open to contact, interact with professors and friends. You will learn many good things when you have enthusiastic teachers and sincere friends.
You are more open to contact and exchange with professors and friends.
7.Good degree.
- Although there are many opinions that a degree is actually a degree, owning an undergraduate or postgraduate degree abroad is the dream of many people.
8. New opportunities, new ideas.
- Opportunities in career, in life will come to you if you have accumulated both good knowledge and good skills. Besides, new ideas will be formed and applied. Everything will be easier when you have a good foundation and in today's "flat world", successful people are those who know how to take opportunities and have bold ideas.
9. Be Yourself
- This is not to say that just studying in your home country means that you are not friends. But, when you have more "space" to freely decide on many things, you will also discover the "hidden" in yourself. Difference is always necessary and studying abroad is to be more mature, to be more mature and to be able to be more independent.
- Although studying abroad is not only "pink", but "gain" is always more than "loss". Because of that, more and more young people are looking for opportunities for themselves through studying abroad, even though they know that difficulties are always waiting.